Bitten “Caged”

On Demand had an issue, but I finally got to see this episode.

After the mutts took Clay, Jeremy and Nick showed up just as she was about to drive off.  She was ordered not to go after the mutts.  They have to drug Clay just to keep him contained.  Everybody is terrified of Clay.  Santos calls Elena to make her meet them, as he’s torturing Clay with electrocution.  Karl Marsten does not like taking Clay, he knows it is a direct attack against the pack, and he’ll never get the land he wants that way.  He also doesn’t understand the sudden interest in Elena.

Logan shows up with Rachel, Logan is wounded.  Nick tries to reassure Rachel about everything, while Jeremy and Elena try to save his life.  Marsten and Santos fight about Clay.  Elena just promised Philip’s sister that she would come to the hospital as soon as she could.  She tries to sneak away, so Jeremy locks her up to keep her safe.  Logan wakes up  with Rachel by his side.  Logan told Rachel that when he’s better they’d go far away.

Marsten stops Santos from hitting Clay, telling  him he’s getting carried away.  Santos is under the illusion that he and Elena are going to breed perfect werewolves together.  Logan thanks Jeremy for saving his life and apologizes for not being there for him.  Jeremy gave him a speech on keeping his son safe in the pack.  Elena is trying to bust out of the cage, and Rachel hears her.  She follows the sound, oh this is bad.  Logan stopped her from going into the basement.   He just tells her it’s old pipes.  She disagrees, and he tells her some things you can’t un-see.

Logan lets    Elena out, Jeremy is going to sacrifice himself to get Clay back.  Elena warns Santos about Jeremy and has him meet her somewhere else.  She grabs him by the throat when he shows her a video of Clay being tortured.  Idiot is still worried about Philip.  Olsen went to finish him off, let’s hope he succeeds.  Must be low budget, that hospital room wall looks like their bedroom.

Marsten tries to help Clay a little, and Clay tells him he could switch sides.  Philip realizes that the dogs on the video are Elena, not sure if she realizes it’s Logan too, I’m sure it won’t take long.  Elena went to Toronto and grabbed Olson to find out where Clay is.  Why would Olson go to his apartment knowing that he’s in the hospital?  Makes no sense.  Jeremy has realized there is someone else in control other than Santos.

Someone comes into the apartment, it’s Philip.  He is afraid of her.  He notices the blood on her hands and he walks out.  He needs to die now, in the book he thought he was hallucinating.  Olson tells her what she wanted to know, and then she killed him.  He deserved that, and much worse.

Elena finds the barn where Clay is being kept and she whacks Santos in the head with a big stick, or maybe it’s a metal pole.  She knocks him out and I’m not sure what she did to Marsten, but he got knocked out too.  She runs in and finds Clay hanging from the rafters, and gets him down.  LeBlanc she distracted by planting her jacket somewhere.  She and Clay got away.

Jeremy tells her that they are sanitizing Philip’s apartment.  She is whining about not wanting to kill people.  Then Jeremy tells her that when she was first brought to Stonehaven she saw him change and so he was going to kill her.  She says she didn’t see anything, but he didn’t know that.  So Clay saved her life by biting her.  And now it’s hitting her that she’s an ass.  “Clay has been the most trustworthy person you’ve ever known,” Jeremy said.  She goes and crawls into bed with Clay and wraps her arms around him.


Marsten says the just opened up a hornets nest, and Santos gets a call from that James Williams dude saying they need to storm the castle.

Bitten “Settling”

This show just comes on too early for me, I always miss it.  Honestly, like the book, Elena annoys me to no end.  IF (big if) they follow the books a little, it should be getting better soon.  When you have a guy that won’t even look at another woman and you take it for granted, then you really don’t deserve him.  Up until she yelled at him for biting her in the book, I thought he raped her the way she was acting.  She comes to her senses in the book and realizes what she has when Clay’s life is in danger a few times.  Hopefully the show follows at least that much of the book.   At least in the book when she finally broke it off with Philip, she wasn’t that upset because she realized what she had with Clay.

Bitten “Settling”


Clay tells Elena about all the information the pack gathered at the mutts hideout.  Elena says she needs to find Philip, Clay says they need to go home.  Then she throws crap at him as usual, all he did was bite her.  Logan calls Rachel freaking out, while on the phone he hears Karl Marsten talking to her.  Karl leaves and tells her to get the phone, Logan tells her to come home and he has a surprise for her.

Nick sent Joey away and Jeremy says he and Nick have to go to Toronto because of Elena.  Just as they’re about to leave, the annoying sheriff shows up saying the FBI is coming and they need him there.  The got a lead about the murder, and luckily it’s LeBlanc and not Clay.  She says it’s strange because he only kills women.  Jeremy says he’s deranged, he doesn’t know what he things.  Jeremy agrees to consent to search the property, saying he wants it all to end.

Elena is still yammering about Philip.  Clay says they wouldn’t bother with him, because he’s not important.  Clay says they need to leave and lead them back to Stonehaven.  He tells her about the pictures they found at the hideout.

Logan tries to get Rachel to go to Jamaica, now.  She says she can’t, she will get fired.  A very frustrated Logan is freaking out.

Philip goes to the gallery to talk to his sister.  Elena is freaking out because she thinks Philip and his family are in danger, meanwhile it’s Clay that is in real danger.  The mutts are in a very old green car.  Santos is trying to reign in the new mutts.  Marsten warns Santos that they could turn on him.  Clay says Santos is trying to ruin her life in Toronto and turn her against the pack so she has nowhere else to go.  Hmm, that James whatever is in charge, not Santos.  Weird.  He wants everyone dead except Elena.  He wants her, Santos is just following orders.

Philip asks to talk to Elena alone.  She knows if she tells Philip they have to kill him.  She says she wants to be with him, and makes excuses for lying.  He says he needs a minute.  Logan tells Rachel their lives are in danger and they need to leave.  He scares the crap out of her to try to get her to leave.  Meanwhile at Stonehaven the FBI is taking forever to search the property.  Nick doesn’t like the idea that Logan and Elena are attached to humans.  Jeremy asks what his father whispered into his ear, he says it was his mother’s name.  His human mother.

Clay tells Elena to get ready to say her goodbyes.  She goes back to see Philip and he asks her to marry him.  He says he wants to get to know her more, but he never can.  He says they can go away from Toronto.  She says she can’t give him an answer now.  Clay is out on the balcony, and she takes off without him knowing.  How stupid can you be?  Yep, she’s a blond.  A bunch of werewolves after her and she goes out alone.  Genius!

Meanwhile the sheriff is still hitting on Jeremy.  They are done searching, so Jeremy and Nick leave.  Elena went to Logan.  Elena is trying to convince Logan to stay with the pack.  Logan is running away with Rachel and trying to get Elena to convince Rachel.  She agrees to help, or try to.  Elena says she is going back to Stonehaven.  Elena is trying to convince Logan to give Jeremy a chance with Rachel.  He agrees to call her.

Philip is freaking out because Elena is gone.  Philip asks Clay if he’s still in love with her, Jeremy calls and says their on their way.  Philip says he’s coming too, Clay says no way.  Logan won’t even let Rachel call her sister.  A dog starts barking and Logan takes Rachel upstairs, he tells her to get in the shower and don’t make a sound.  Um, there is a glass door, you can see through it.  Logan goes down the stairs dripping perfume to cover the scent.

Elena gets back and the guy at the front says she just missed her friends.  Clay says Philip needs to stay with him, he will protect him because of Elena.  Santos and Olsen walk in.  Elena listens at the door and goes into the stairwell to change to wolf form.  Marsten and LeBlanc walk into Logan’s house.  Oh don’t tell me this is where he gets killed, seriously after he finds out Rachel is pregnant.  Logan was the first to die in the books.  Clay fights them, and Philip thinks he can fight.  Clay tries to protect Philip for Elena.  He does pretty good.  Logan gets Marsten and knocks him out.  Oh shit, LeBlanc goes upstairs to find Rachel.  He can hear her, unfortunately.  Just as he finds her, Logan grabs him.  Philip is on the floor, while Clay fights the other two.  LeBlanc is stabbing at Logan, while Logan is strangling him.

I hope he didn’t strangle Marsten, I like him (or I like the one in the books).  Olsen goes after Philip.   Oh good, Marsten got away, but Logan was badly injured.  He tells Rachel to take him to Stonehaven.  Philip has been stabbed and is bleeding everywhere.  Elena comes in wolf form to protect Philip and he closes the door on her.  She can’t open it.  Santos shoves a syringe into Clay, because drugging him is the only way they can get him even when he’s outnumbered.

Elena looks at Philip and then goes in the bathroom to change back to human form as Philip watches her shadow shift.  She puts a dress on and he looks at her like she’s an alien.  She gives him a pillow and goes to see if they are still there.  She finds the syringe and realizes they took Clay.  She calls an ambulance but is still freaking out over Philip.  OMFG, this is so stupid!  This is the point she is supposed to start to realize how much Clay means to her.  She barely remembers about Philip in the book because she is so worried about Clay.  “In a perfect world I would be married to you,” ugh I don’t know if I can keep watching this show unless she stops being an idiot!  Luckily he doesn’t seem to want anything to do with her anymore.  She says she will always love him.  UGH, she didn’t really love him in the book and she realized that at this point.  She lost her mind when Clay was taken, Jeremy had to lock her in the cell for awhile.  That was when I started to like her.  Granted it was nearly the end of the book.  So that was the end…and it was still annoying.

Hehehehe, on the website they have written beside the above picture: “The wolf goes into the other room – and out comes Elena. Philip’s shocked as he realizes his girlfriend’s a bitch (literally).”  Too funny!

Bitten “Descent”

Bitten “Descent”

Ugh, okay so Elena backpedals with Clay, as usual, saying it was a mistake to sleep with him.  She tells him the truth about Philip and that she lives with him.  He actually says he is done hurting her, which is just ass backwards.  He hasn’t done a damn thing to hurt her, she’s done nothing but hurt him and make him pay (in her own mind) for biting her and giving her the gift of being something more than human.  Anyway, he basically says he’ll be a good boy.  I hated how she treated him in the first two books, it gets much better after that.  We’ll see if the tv show at least follows that much of the story line.  He put his wedding ring on the other hand.  I hate Philip, not because he’s a bad guy, just because he’s in the way.

Joey escapes and calls Nick, who says he’s coming to get him.  Interesting.  Clay and Elena go to visit Logan, and he tells them about Rachel being pregnant.  He says he’s trying to avoid pack law of stealing his newborn from his mother and disappearing.  They try to get Logan to come home, knowing Santos sent the rattle.  Pedo guy is outside Logan’s house with a rabbit foot, watching for Elena.  Logan tells them about the video Philip has, and his assumption that they were having an affair.  Logan is to talk to Jeremy while they go to Elena’s show.

Nick gets Joey to Stonehaven.  Nick tells Joey he buried his dad, and that they got his dad too.  Elena tries to go to a hotel, but Philip catches them before they leave.  Happened in the book too.  She tries to make Clay go to a hotel, but he’d never go against Jeremy’s orders, and he just plops on the couch.

Santos is having mutt issues.  He tries getting pedophile guy in line, so not going to happen.  Cain made him, not Santos.  He couldn’t care less about any of them.  That was their mistake, the mutts don’t care about anyone but themselves.

Clay finds that there is barely anything edible Elena and Philip’s fridge.  Philip tries to have sex with Elena, but she can’t while Clay is there…because she’s cheating on him.  Philip is pissed and feels threatened, he should.  Clay goes through Philip’s ad stuff, and his iPad.  He finds the video footage of Elena and Logan, and the name of the client.  I wonder if it has to do with the mutts, no this wasn’t in the book.  It wouldn’t make much sense exposing themselves along with the pack.  Clay makes a huge breakfast, Philip says she doesn’t like breakfast.  Clay says it must be the turkey bacon, because she loves breakfast at home.

Joey can’t seem to give any information about where he was held captive, Jeremy seems distrustful, but you can never really tell what he’s thinking (at least in the book).

Philip’s sister nearly drools on Clay, and Elena pulls her away.  The sister tries to get Elena too hook them up, fat chance.  Clay helps Logan get started for Stonehaven.  Clay promises they won’t let anything happen to Rachel while he’s gone.  Clay tells him if he has to make a choice to make sure it’s one he can live with, speaking of the baby and Rachel versus the pack.

I was right about Jeremy, he doesn’t trust what Joey said.  Ugh, they are giving pedophile guy too much air time, he’s making me sick.

Philip’s sister is hitting on Clay at her photo show.  Clay covers for her about the car accident story.  Joey wasn’t in the book and I think he’s with the mutts, even though they killed his dad.  Jeremy questions him more, and he looks like a deer caught in headlights.  Logan shows up and gives Nick a hug.  Nick forgives him for not coming sooner.   Logan tells Nick about Rachel and the baby.  Nick’s all excited.  Logan tells Nick about the rattle, and how he doesn’t want to steal his son from Rachel which was the real reason he was avoiding the pack.

Clay asks about Williams, the guy with the video and also funding Elena’s show.  Philip’s sister keeps high jacking Clay.  Olson the pedophile guy shows up at Elena’s show.  I think she’s looking for Clay, Philip would only be a liability.  He said she never put up a fight when she was a little girl, she was used to abuse.  Clay sees the car outside and takes off after Santos, smashing his face into the steering wheel.  Philip attacks Olson, punching him.  He just said she never told me no…ugh pig, and then he left.  Philip’s sister sees Clay attack Santos and interrupts, these people suck.  He sees Olsen get in Santos car.

Nick tries to convince Logan that the right thing to do is bring the baby to the pack and away from his mother, as his father did.  Logan was raised by his mother and had a much harder time breaking with her, but he had to.  Nick convinces Jeremy that he’s telling the truth because of vanilla from whiskey.

Clay and Elena talk about Santos and Olson, and about James Williams the man who insisted on the location of the show (whoever he is).  Elena has to tell Philip that there was no cousin Danielle and no car accident.  He figures out that Logan and Clay are not her cousins.  Meanwhile Clay calls Jeremy.  Jeremy and the remainder of the pack find where Joey was held captive, the mutts old hideout.  He says he was kept in the cage and gives a sad look, however when they showed the mutts, it was the serial killer that was in that cage not Joey.  I still don’t believe him.

Philip is pulling away from Elena.  He knows Clay loves her.  He asks point blank if she’s done with Clay, and she can’t answer.  Meanwhile the others search the old hideout.  Jeremy finds a box of stuff, Joey’s dad’s watch, and a bunch of dead people’s stuff including Malcolm’s ring (Jeremy’s father).  Nick finds pictures of Rachel and Elena.  Logan starts to freak and he tells Jeremy about the baby.  Jeremy tells him to go to her, he’s excited too.

Philip says he can’t trust her because he doesn’t even know her.  BYE PHILIP!  Nick finds pictures that look like their focusing on Elena, which is what Jeremy figured.


Bitten “Stalking”

Bitten “Stalking”

I know I have issues with this show.  If they would keep the characters true to their character (that doesn’t sound right, but you know what I mean) then I wouldn’t have as much of an issue.  For example, Clay didn’t own a cell phone, he called it an electric leash.  Also the werewolves didn’t use weapons, it was considered weak (except for the newly turned serial killers).  Anyway, now that the next episode is almost here, I’ve finally watched last weeks episode.

Daniel Santos calls to set up a meeting with Jeremy, he says the mutts are sick of being ruled by tyrants and he was just giving them a taste of their own medicine.  Jeremy agrees to meet him at an abandoned campground.  They are holding Joey Stillwell hostage.  Elena and Clay are sent to stake out the campground and Zack is there watching them.

Logan’s girlfriend confesses that she was pregnant before and her boyfriend left her which caused a miscarriage.  Now she is afraid the same thing will happen.

Philip is asking about the video of the wolves (Logan and Elena), meanwhile Elena is avoiding him.  Apparently Philip’s internet contact is his ex-girlfriend who really doesn’t want to be ex.  She pushes her way into helping him speak to the owner of the video.  They make a deal with the guy to buy all the rights and get the original footage.

Somebody arrived with a package for Elena and Clay at the campground.  Jeremy and Antonio head to the campground and find a body on the road, which looks like a car accident.  It’s an ambush, psycho serial killer and Daniel Santos attack them.  Meanwhile Elena sees a Black werewolf which is Zack heading for Clay.  Daniel Santos attacks Antonio with a knife.

Elena changed into a wolf and attacks Zack before he can get to Clay.  Clay tells her Jeremy and Antoio have been ambushed and for her to go.  Clay pulls up in the car to get Antonio who was severely injured with a knife.  Jeremy was injured as well.  They try to save Antonio, but it becomes clear he’s not going to make  it.  Everyone looks at Nick.

Logan won’t answer his phone, meanwhile Antonio is dying.

Jeremy collapses, Clay and Elena try to take care of him.  Jeremy told everyone he can’t save Antonio.  Nick starts to freak, but Antonio tells him to fight.  He tells Elena to stay, and Clay to forgive her.  He tells Jeremy to get those mutts and whispers something to Nick, then he dies.  Elena, Clay, and Nick are ready to kick some mutt ass.  They realize the girl was a human that they used, but don’t realize she is Zack’s girlfriend yet.  They decide to get Zack and make him talk.  Elena and Clay go after him.  Nick sews up Jeremy’s wound but can’t finish because Jeremy talks about where his dad wanted his ashes spread.  Jeremy finishes his own stitches and the sheriff comes to the door looking for Clay.  They found Michael Braxton’s body, his throat was cut.

Elena and Clay find Zack at a gas station and wait for him to come out.  Clay hides while Elena waits at his truck.  She turns her finger into a wolf claw and scratches his truck.  He goes after her and they fight, then Clay comes out.  Elena pleads with Clay not to kill him, because they need to question him.  He knocks him out.  Meanwhile the sheriff seems to be hitting on Jeremy.  She leaves and his wound starts to bleed.  Jeremy calls Logan again, tells him Antonio is dead and what is going on.  He says he’ll come back as soon as he can, and then when he hangs up the phone he says he’s not going.

Jeremy calls Elena in to talk to her after they bring Santos back to Stonehaven.  She notices that something is wrong.  Jeremy tells her to call him back so he doesn’t show up on their doorstep, so she does.  Meanwhile Clay asks Zack some questions, and he refuses to talk.  Clay says he’ll talk when he’s through with him.  Elena is still telling Philip that she’ll be back.  I never felt sorry for the guy in the book, but I feel kind of bad for this one on the tv show.  Jeremy passes out completely and falls to the floor.  Elena realizes that it’s more than just blood loss.